Dispositivi d’iniezione Squeezer

Unique High Precision Pencil-Style Injecting Device for Dyes and PFCL



Unique pencil style injection device that affords surgeons precise control for injecting stains and perfluorocarbon liquids.
The ‘Squeezer’ is designed to give surgeons control for injecting stains and perfluorocarbon liquids using a single-handed technique. The Squeezer injection grip is the same as the familiar and safe pencil grip that is used in working with forceps, backflush- and other surgical instruments, as well as redundant syringe assisted injection with potential uncontrolled injection risks.



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Dispositivi d’iniezione Squeezer

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“Perfect control over start, speed, and amount of intravitreal injection of staining agents and perfluorocarbon liquids”

Professor Claus Eckardt

Dispositivi d’iniezione Squeezer
