Effortless Mixing of 99.9% Pure and Sterile Gases




Ophthalmic Gases for Retinal Tamponade. The pure gas ARCEOLE is presented in a sterile kit ready to be mixed to endotamponade the retina. ARCEOLE enables a safe mixing for use in the operating room.



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Specifiche & Benefici

Specifiche & Benefici

• Creating a non expansive mix of gases
• Preserving the 99.9% purity throughout the shelf life
• Maintaining total asepsis during the entire preparation
• Providing clear information to the patient

Articoli clinici

Articoli clinici

Pneumatic retinopexy perfluoroethane (C2F6) in the treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

Surgery for full-thickness macular holes with short-duration prone posturing: results of a pilot study

The rate of sulfur hexafluoride escape from a plastic syringe



Ophthalmic gas

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